
Producing Hits since 2009

The Story of an Eclectic production legacy

Daniel Estay is a musician, recording engineer and producer from Los Angeles who is based in Riverside, CA. He began producing in 2009 when he started recording his first pop rock album for his band The Crimson Curtains. Prior to this he had been recording as a session guitarist for rap artists and hip hop beat producers such as Hutch and Ayende who produced beats for  DR. Dre and Puff Daddy. Since 2009 he has written and produced a video game soundtracks in the  spaghetti western style for  Brian Lancaster's video game "Warlordocracy", produced 3 albums with The Crimson Curtains, and created  the themes songs for you tube channels such as  the famous Christian Youtube Channel "Prophetic Minutes".

Most of Daniel Estay's main music projects are an impressive eclectic palette of alternative , indie, pop and hard rock. But his production credits also include large volumes of work in Hip Hop, Rap, jazz, blues funk, R&B, Spaghetti Western, Electronic Dance Music, punk, post punk and new wave music. Alternative rock guitarist of Josh Powers once said "Daniel Estay is one of the best songwriters I have ever worked with and personally  known".  Funk Singer and Bass guitarist Westley Walker of the Chocolate Chip Whip Band stated "Daniel is one of the best producers and studio engineers whom I've ever recorded with". Video Game producer Brian Lancaster stated in a glowing review "Daniel Estay's tracks are some of the best soundtrack material I have ever worked with and I have been making video games for many years. He's a creative genius  and a brilliant multi talented instrumentalist".

Daniel Estay started out as a classical and flamenco guitarist who was classically trained to sing in his school choir the broadway musical style. In college he studied music theory and Jazz as well as flamenco and classical guitar. Despite his formal musical education he grew up listening to hip-hop, rap, old schook funk and disco and by high school was deeply in love with rock and roll. That is when he started learning guitar. His eclectic rock tastes ranged from alternative, pop, and his beloved indie rock. He writes when I first heard the band "The Strokes" I immediately fell in love with the gritty yet danceable beats of indie dance rock like The Strokes, The Killers, The Kooks, and The Arctic Monkeys.  To this day dancey indie rock is his favorite genre of music. These days Daniel is exploring new horizons of hard rock and classic rock bands for inspiration. He is seeking to blend hard rock guitar riffs with dancable drums and rhythm for a unique new blend of dance, rock and hip hop and R&B music. Think of the Beastie Boys for example. Yet the eclectic nature in him is always seeking to explore jazz blues and even classical music for lo-fi hip hop tracks. Daniel Estay the consummate entrepreneur is also constantly making instrumental tracks for commercials TV, movies, video games.

Daniel Just recently launched a music recording gear review channel on YouTube called "Top Tier Gear Review" and is planning on posting weekly gear reviews and performances to help build his growing media empire.

You can contact Daniel Estay by calling or texting him @ 818-668-0664 or

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